Dear Dr. Brueggemann: A pastor 47 years, I have wondered about “nephesh” a long time. It is often translated: “a living soul/being”. Can there be any possible connection to “a bundle of need”? I seem to recall that from somewhere. Or, “an open mouth” as in the chick of a bird in the nest, its mouth larger than its body, almost. I associate it with the creation and our being desperate/our lives depend on God for existence. I, also, associate this with utter dependence, again, God IS our breath and without one breath we perish/no long human. Thank you very much. Lee Anglin
Grace Abounds: God’s Abundance against the Fear of Scarcity Edited by Davis Hankins Westminster John Knox, 2024. Order from Publisher | Order from Amazon In Grace Abounds: God’s Abundance against the Fear of Scarcity, Walter Brueggemann Read more…
Elemental Claims of the Gospel Cascade Books, 2024. Order from Publisher | Order from Amazon These essays cover “themes that have long occupied my thinking, and permit me to offer something of a summary of Read more…
In God We Do Not Trust Edited by Conrad L. Kanagy Santos Press, 2024. Order from Publisher | Order from Amazon This book is composed of thirteen essays written by Professor Walter Brueggemann over the Read more…
1 Comment
Lee Anglin · March 19, 2018 at 3:15 pm
Dear Dr. Brueggemann: A pastor 47 years, I have wondered about “nephesh” a long time. It is often translated: “a living soul/being”. Can there be any possible connection to “a bundle of need”? I seem to recall that from somewhere. Or, “an open mouth” as in the chick of a bird in the nest, its mouth larger than its body, almost. I associate it with the creation and our being desperate/our lives depend on God for existence. I, also, associate this with utter dependence, again, God IS our breath and without one breath we perish/no long human. Thank you very much. Lee Anglin