The Practice of Prophetic Imagination: Preaching an Emancipating Word
The Practice of Prophetic Imagination: Preaching an Emancipating Word Fortress Press, 2012. Purchase Links: Amazon Kindle Fortress Press
The Practice of Prophetic Imagination: Preaching an Emancipating Word Fortress Press, 2012. Purchase Links: Amazon Kindle Fortress Press
Like Fire in the Bones: Listening for the Prophetic Word in Jeremiah (2nd edition) Fortress Press, 2011. Purchase Links: Amazon Kindle Fortress Press
The Word That Redescribes the World: The Bible and Discipleship (2nd ed.) Fortress Press, 2011. Purchase Links: Amazon Kindle Fortress Press
The Book That Breathes New Life: Scriptural Authority and Biblical Theology (2nd ed.) Fortress Press, 2011. Purchase Links: Amazon Kindle Fortress Press
Disruptive Grace: Reflections on God, Scripture, and the Church Edited by Carolyn J. Sharp Fortress Press, 2011. Purchase Links: Amazon Kindle Fortress Press
An Unsettling God: The Heart of the Hebrew Bible Fortress Press, 2009. Purchase Links: Amazon Kindle Fortress Press
The Word Militant: Preaching a Decentering Word Fortress Press, 2007. Purchase Links: Amazon (hardcover) Amazon (paperback) Kindle Fortress Press
The Word That Redescribes the World: The Bible and Discipleship Fortress Press, 2006. Purchase Links: Amazon See updated 2011 edition.
Inscribing the Text: Sermons and Prayers by Walter Brueggemann Fortress Press, 2004. Purchase Links: Amazon Kindle Fortress Press
Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth: Prayers of Walter Brueggemann Edited by Edwin Searcy Fortress Press, 2003. Purchase Links: Amazon Kindle Fortress Press