Deep Memory, Exuberant Hope: Contested Truth in a Post-Christian World
Deep Memory, Exuberant Hope: Contested Truth in a Post-Christian World Edited by Patrick D. Miller. Fortress Press, 2000. Purchase Links: Amazon Fortress Press
Deep Memory, Exuberant Hope: Contested Truth in a Post-Christian World Edited by Patrick D. Miller. Fortress Press, 2000. Purchase Links: Amazon Fortress Press
Texts that Linger, Words that Explode: Listening to Prophetic Voices Edited by Patrick D. Miller Fortress Press, 2000. Purchase Links: Amazon Kindle Fortress Press
The Covenanted Self: Explorations in Law and Covenant Edited by Patrick D. Miller. Fortress Press, 1999. Purchase Links: Amazon Kindle Fortress Press
A Theological Introduction to the Old Testament With Bruce C. Birch, Terence E. Fretheim, and David L. Petersen. Abingdon Press, 1999. Purchase Links: Amazon See updated 2005 edition.
God in the Fray: A Tribute to Walter Brueggemann Edited by Timothy K. Beal and Tod Linafelt Fortress Press, 1998. Purchase Links: Amazon Kindle Fortress Press
Isaiah 40-66 Westminster Bible Companion Westminster John Knox Press, 1998. Purchase Links: Amazon WJK Books
Isaiah 1-39 Westminster Bible Companion Westminster John Knox Press, 1998. Purchase Links: Amazon WJK Books
A Commentary on Jeremiah: Exile and Homecoming Eerdmans, 1998. Purchase Links: Amazon (2nd edition) Eerdmans
Many Voices One God:Being Faithful in a Pluralistic World Edited by Walter Brueggemann and George W. Stroup Westminster John Knox, 1998. Purchase Links: Amazon WJK Books
To Act Justly, Love Tenderly, Walk Humbly With Sharon Parks and Thomas H. Groome. Wipf & Stock, 1997. Purchase Links: Amazon Wipf & Stock