Ethos and Ecumenism: An Evangelical Blend
Ethos and Ecumenism: An Evangelical Blend The History of Eden Theological Seminary, 1925-1970 Eden Publishing House, 1975. Purchase Links:
Ethos and Ecumenism: An Evangelical Blend The History of Eden Theological Seminary, 1925-1970 Eden Publishing House, 1975. Purchase Links:
In Man We Trust: The Neglected Side of Biblical Faith John Knox Press, 1972. Purchase Links:
The Evangelical Catechism Revisited, 1847-1972. Eden Publishing House, 1972. Purchase Links:
What Are Christians For? An Inquiry into Obedience and Dissent Pflaum Press, 1971. No purchase info available.
The Renewing Word (edited by Elmer J.F. Arndt). United Church Press, 1968. Purchase links:
Confronting the Bible: A Resource and Discussion Book for Youth. Herder & Herder/United Church Press, 1968. Purchase links:
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