In God We Do Not Trust

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In God We Do Not Trust

Edited by Conrad L. Kanagy

Santos Press, 2024.

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This book is composed of thirteen essays written by Professor Walter Brueggemann over the past two years, essays related to current social and political events facing the church and the world. This book is particularly important in the season as we face a critical election that swings from pole to pole. Yet the title stays away from any political engagement, because while Brueggemann has not hesitated to speak to political issues, his first love is the Biblical text.

1 Comment

the two ways according to Jesus « Jesus community · September 21, 2024 at 7:49 am

[…] Contrast that to Jesus and his teaching and life. One can boil it down to loving one’s neighbor as oneself as the essential expression of loving God, and willingness in love to live that out fully, even when contradictory to powerful interests and forces, and there you have it. Does that exclude basic down to earth commitments as in marriage and family? Of course not, as we can see from all of Jesus’s teaching, as encapsulated in the Sermon on the Mount. But when it comes right down to it, much of what passes for Christian teaching today is either ignored by Jesus, or even contradicted by him. One example is what we see in the culture today, the Christian defense and even promotion of guns, and their insistence that guns don’t kill, but people do. When Scripture with Jesus fulfilling that make the point that God’s goal is to destroy instruments of violence. All of this is in direct contrast to Christ, to his teachings and in significant part is summarized well in the title of a recently released book by Walter Brueggemann, In God We Do Not Trust. […]

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